Frequently Asked Questions

How does nutrition counseling work?

Nutrition Counseling is nutrition education + coaching + problem solving + support that gives you the best chance at long term success.  Together we create a relationship beyond just our sessions together.  Together we develop tools that work with you and fit  ​your life. 

​​What to expect during the sessions?

For sessions purchased as part of a package, we will have ample time to develop an eating style to maintain a healthy weight while not depriving yourself of things you enjoy.  We will find solutions to barriers past and present.  I will help you dig down to find the motivation that will last a lifetime.  ​

Where will the sessions be conducted?

Sessions can be held at my office in Pleasant Hill and/or virtually on a Hippa compliant platform.  We can do a combination of in-person and online as well.

What are my qualifications?

Unlike someone who calls him or herself ‘a nutritionist’, I am a registered dietitian nutritionist, meaning that I received a degree (a masters in my case), completed an internship, passed a state licensing exam, received my license to practice as a dietitian both inside and out of hospitals, and am required by the state to maintain that license through continuing education.  Regardless of who you choose to help you with your needs, you should consider a licensed dietitian nutritionist given the high level of scrutiny that we must undergo to practice with your safety in mind.

I am interested, now what?

If you’d like to use your insurance to cover the sessions, please look at the Insurance page to see which companies I can accept.  If you find yours on the list, it will be your responsibility to verify coverage.   Paying out of pocket?  Simply click here to make an appointment