Take it to Heart: Not all Omeaga 3’s are Created Equal
Hello, February! It’s that time of year where hearts are popping up EVERYWHERE! Cartoon style for sure but did you know it’s Heart Health Awareness month too? My favorite part of this season isn’t the heart shape chocolate boxes, it’s on the increased attention (maybe unconsciously) on the heart—the actual organ.
When I think of things one can do to improve their heart health, I always think about fish oils. Being a Portuguese American, I am a big fan of fish, but even I find it difficult to consume the recommended amounts per week. Plus, fish can be tricky to cook, and my kids are at the stage where they say no at the mere suggestion of it for dinner. And I know I am not alone, right?
So, even though I am a food first kind of girl, I find myself recommending fish oil to my patients who wants to improve their cardiovascular health, decreased their levels of triglyceride’s and improve their health outcomes after a heart attack. I also find myself recommending it to people with a tendency towards depression, which I have found at an increased level in the last two years. I wonder why? And if you want a smart(er) baby, better increase your Omega 3 fatty acids as well.
Regardless, not all the supplements out there are created equal. EPA and DHA (found only in fish) are the preferred sources since they are better absorbed than by their competitor ALA (from plant sources). So, most of us need the supplements because of what I mentioned above. Even then you might think you are taking good fish oils, when you are really not. 2gm (2000mg) per day is a standard dose for heart health, however a supplement can say 2000 gms of fish oil on the front of the bottle, but not include it from the preferred sources like EPA/DHA. Therefore, you need to turn the bottle over and see what concentrations of the pills have of EPA/DHA and take the pills in quantities till they reach 2000mg of EPA/DHA or buy a different brand. One that I like is by designs for health. You can find it at here: fitandhealthynutrition.ehealthpro.com/products/omegavail-hi-po-60-capsules *
To your heart health!
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